Adept at Adapting

Today’s organizations, leaders and teams are constantly faced with uncertainty, new information and changing circumstances.

Our work in strengthening individual and organizational adaptability is centered on the AQai Adaptability Assessment which measures adaptability across three core dimensions – Ability (adaptability skills), Character (how adaptability is enacted) and Environment (how the surrounding environment supports or deters adaptability). Building on the assessment, we support organizations to activate critical levers that improve individual, team and organizational adaptability through workshops, team coaching and 1:1 support.

Focus areas include:

  • Unlearning the past to create a successful future

  • Navigating complex issues and tensions

  • Exploring and transforming

  • Utilizing and improving what we have

Benefits realized: 

  • Improved individual and team performance

  • Improved resilience in the face of change

  • Enhanced navigation of complex issues

  • Practice and process evolution

  • Accelerated problem solving and innovation

  • Re-skilling and up-skilling performance

  • Improved current processes

  • Positive and productive workplace